Sign into the Samsara App

Select your Vehicle


Tap Create DVIR



Select Vehicle only


Fill in the Location (substation), Inspection type, and tap each camera icon to take the Driver Side, Front, Passenger Side, and Back photos.  You will have the option to Use Photo or Retake each.  Scroll down.


Scroll down and tap Perform Inspection.


Tap the Checkmark if an item on the list is satisfactory or the X if it is unsafe or not present.  If you choose unsatisfactory, please provide a photo AND/OR comment detailing what you found.





When all sections are complete, your screen will look like this, tap Done.


Once you have completed all sections, it should look like the image below.  Select whether the vehicle is Safe to drive or Unsafe.   Tap Next.  
(All sections necessary to complete the form are marked by Required.)